The Docker malware steals CPU power for cryptocurrencies and drives fake website traffic


The cyber security landscape is ever evolving, and with the increasing reliance on containerization technologies like Docker, new threats continue to emerge. One such threat has recently come to light – a Docker malware strain that not only siphons CPU resources for cryptocurrency mining but also manipulates containerized environments to generate fake website traffic. This dual threat has raised concerns about the security of containerized applications and the potential for significant economic impacts on affected systems.


Technical Details:

  • Vulnerability Type: Code Injection


  • Affected Product: Docker (all versions)


  • Impact:
    • CPU resource hijacking for cryptocurrency mining
    • Generation of fake website traffic
    • Potential data exfiltration


  • IoCs:
    • URLs
      • 62[.]80[.]226[.]102
      • pool[.]supportxmr[.]com:5555
    • SHA256: 71421f34ead04b75934495c503f49e4ac43a04107ec770f2b17c178ec56e26b6


  • Detection Rules:
    • Monitor for outbound connections to cryptocurrency mining pools
    • Track unusual resource consumption within containers
    • Analyze container images for suspicious modifications


The Docker malware is operates by infiltrating containerized environments, taking advantage of vulnerabilities to establish a foothold. Once inside, it employs sophisticated techniques to camouflage its activities and avoid detection. The primary objectives of this malware are twofold: cryptocurrency mining and the generation of fake website traffic.


In the case of cryptocurrency mining, the malware stealthily consumes CPU resources within the Docker containers, diverting computing power to mine cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin or Monero. This can lead to a significant degradation in system performance, affecting both the targeted containers and the host system.


Simultaneously, the malware engages in generating fake website traffic. This tactic aims to deceive security monitoring systems by simulating legitimate user interactions and interactions with websites. The goal is to fly under the radar of security mechanisms, making it harder to identify and eradicate malicious activity.


The combined impact of this malware is significant. Organizations running vulnerable Docker services face:

  • Increased electricity costs: The stolen CPU resources lead to higher energy consumption, translating to financial losses.
  • Performance degradation: CPU hijacking hampers containerized applications, impacting user experience and business operations.
  • Security risks: The malware’s presence within containers opens doors for further attacks, potentially compromising sensitive data.
  • Reputational damage: Websites receiving fake traffic face potential penalties from search engines and loss of trust from users.


Remediation Steps:

  • Update Docker: Ensure running the latest version of Docker to benefit from security patches.
  • Scan container images: Regularly scan container images for vulnerabilities and malware using reputable security scanners.
  • Implement container image signing: Signing container images to ensure their authenticity and integrity.
  • Restrict images to pull permissions: Limit which users and applications can pull container images from registries.
  • Monitor container activity: Closely monitor container resource consumption and network traffic for suspicious behavior.
  • Backup and restore: Maintain regular backups of containerized applications for quick recovery in case of compromise.
  • Educate users: Train staff on Docker security best practices to avoid accidental deployment of malicious images.