Discover External Threat Intelligence

CyberSRC offers an external threat Intelligence platform that provides proactive detection and support mitigation of External Threats by offering proprietary solutions of Cyber, Brand and Infrastructure Threats suite.

The platform offers solutions that will save your business from fraud losses, brand damages, web defacement, online abuse and flaws in network infrastructure components.

The Platform aggressively track and support take down phishing sites, Malware sites, fake domains, and fake mobile apps. It  detects and prevents from rogue applications. The service scans tens of millions of URLs, newly registered domains, and a range of app stores and social media to ensure quick blocking and shutdown of confirmed phishing sites. The service also helps in identifying the vulnerabilities in your existing network infrastructure.


In today’s cyber landscape, decision makers constantly question the value of their security investments, asking whether each dollar is helping in securing the business or not. In the meantime, cyber attackers are growing smarter and more capable every day. Today’s security teams often find themselves falling behind, left to analyse artefacts from the past so that the organisation’s future can be determined. As organizations work to bridge this gap, threat intelligence (TI) is growing in popularity, usefulness and applicability. In its simplest form, TI is the process of understanding the threats to an organization based on available data points. But it goes beyond simply collecting data points; there must also be an understanding of how the data relates to the organization. Teams must combine data points with contextual information to determine relevant threats to the business. Furthermore, TI is useful to an organization only if it is actionable. If a team cannot determine how to best respond, combat or mitigate a threat to the organization, then the information provides or no value to the organization.


Threat intelligence helps in enhancing the organisation’s threat landscape visibility, offering context for trends to monitor, how threat actors behave, and wherein the organisation may be maximum prone to an attack.

When threat intelligence is treated as a separate function within a broader security paradigm rather than an essential component that augments every other function, the result is that many of the people who would benefit the most from threat intelligence don’t have access to it when they need it.

Security operations teams are routinely unable to process the alerts they receive — threat intelligence integrates with the security solutions you already use, helping automatically prioritize and filter alerts and other threats. Vulnerability management teams can more accurately prioritize the most important vulnerabilities with access to the external insights and context provided by threat intelligence. And fraud prevention, risk analysis, and other high-level security processes are enriched by the understanding of the current threat landscape that threat intelligence provides, including key insights on threat actors, their tactics, techniques, and procedures, and more from data sources across the web.

The main goal of our solution is to protect the organisations from the Cyber Threats, Brand Threats as well as the Infrastructure threats.


The threats mentioned above can devastate even the most resilient of businesses. It is extremely important to manage these threats accordingly.

    Why CyberSRC®?

    Established in January 2018, CyberSRC Consultancy offers the full machination of cyber security services ranging from threat intelligence, VMS to general advisory services in areas pertaining to Cyber security such as vulnerability attacks, compliance, and cyber security regulations, and laws. We are into system audits such as ISNP Audits, NBFC Audits, UCB Audits, PPI Audits, and SEBI Audits. We provide our solutions with better accountability. We are a certified assurance firm. We are an ISO 27001 certified organization, backed by a very diverse and dynamic team which have a combined experience.