Supply Chain Attacks Can Exploit Entry Points in Python, npm, and Open-Source Ecosystems

The discovery by Checkmarx researchers Yehuda Gelb and Elad Rapaport highlights a significant vulnerability across multiple programming ecosystems, including PyPI, npm, Ruby Gems, NuGet, Dart Pub, and Rust Crates. The issue arises from the abuse of entry points, which are mechanisms that allow developers to expose functionality, either as command-line tools (e.g., console_scripts in Python) or as plugins. Attackers can exploit these entry points to introduce malicious code that is triggered when specific commands are executed, leading to software supply chain attacks.

Supply chain attacks in open-source ecosystems have been a growing concern due to the widespread reliance on third-party libraries, often without deep scrutiny. Attackers can hide malicious functionality inside packages or dependencies, which can then be automatically executed when installed or when specific functionality is used. Mitigating this risk requires enhanced scrutiny of package installations, tighter validation of entry points, and stronger monitoring systems for unusual behavior.

These tools are essential for developers and system administrators in building, managing, and deploying software across various platforms and cloud environments. Here’s how these specific tools could be targeted in command-jacking:

npm, pip, git, kubectl, terraform, gcloud, heroku, and dotnet


1. CWE-829: Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere

  • Attackers can introduce malicious code via untrusted packages or dependencies. In the case of package managers like npm and pip, this CWE is particularly relevant when the attacker publishes malicious libraries, causing untrusted code to be executed.
  1. CWE-494: Download of Code Without Integrity Check
  • When a system downloads and installs code (like dependencies) without verifying the integrity of the source, attackers can tamper with or replace the code. This is especially dangerous for third-party package managers and CLI tools that do not enforce strict code-signing or integrity checks.
  1. CWE-345: Insufficient Verification of Data Authenticity
  • Many package managers do not verify the authenticity of packages or dependencies before installing them, leaving the system vulnerable to malicious or tampered software.
  1. CWE-276: Incorrect Default Permissions
  • Tools may be installed with insecure default permissions, allowing attackers to manipulate critical files, binaries, or scripts that control entry points for CLI commands.


  • Command Injection (CWE-77)
  • Insecure Dependencies (CWE-829)
  • Untrusted Search Path (CWE-426)
  • Code Injection (CWE-94)
  • Improper Control of Generation of Code (CWE-94)
  • Improper Authorization (CWE-285)
  • Dependency Confusion (CWE-471)
  • Typosquatting (CWE-605)
  • Improper Input Validation (CWE-20)


  • Third-party package managers (npm, PyPI, RubyGems, etc.)
  • CLI tools (kubectl, gcloud, terraform, git, etc.)
  • Cloud infrastructure tools (Terraform, AWS CLI, GCP tools)
  • DevOps CI/CD platforms (Jenkins, GitLab, Travis CI)
  • Development environments (VSCode, JetBrains IDEs)


  1. Widespread Supply Chain Compromise
  • Infection of Development Environments: By compromising widely-used package managers (e.g., npm, PyPI), attackers can infiltrate the entire software development lifecycle.
  • Trust Erosion in Open-Source Ecosystems: Attackers leveraging supply chain attacks can compromise popular packages and repositories, eroding trust in open-source ecosystems.
  1. Execution of Malicious Code
  • Remote Code Execution (RCE): Attackers can use malicious packages to gain remote code execution on developers’ machines or servers by exploiting entry-point scripts .
  • Privilege Escalation: If CLI tools or packages are executed with elevated privileges, such as admin or root, attackers can escalate their privileges, leading to broader system compromise.
  • Persistent Malware Injections: Through pre-install and post-install scripts or hijacked entry points, attackers can install persistent malware on machines, enabling long-term access for espionage or further attacks.
  1. Cloud Infrastructure Compromise
  • Unauthorized Access to Cloud Resources: Tools like kubectl, terraform, and gcloud are used to manage cloud infrastructure and deployments. If these tools are hijacked, attackers can manipulate cloud configurations, deploy unauthorized resources, or exfiltrate sensitive data.
  • Control of Kubernetes Clusters: Hijacking kubectl commands can allow attackers to manipulate Kubernetes clusters, injecting malicious containers or taking over the entire orchestration layer.
  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Tampering: Attackers who hijack terraform commands can introduce malicious configurations in cloud environments, leading to misconfigurations, data loss, or increased attack surface (e.g., open ports or default passwords).
  1. Data Exfiltration and Theft
  • Sensitive Data Exposure: Hijacked commands or packages can be used to exfiltrate sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, and proprietary code.
  • Leakage of Intellectual Property: By targeting development tools like git, attackers can intercept source code and intellectual property during Git operations, such as committing or pushing changes
  1. Service Disruption and Downtime
  • Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: Malicious packages or hijacked CLI tools can trigger denial-of-service attacks by exploiting system resources, overloading servers, or disabling critical service.
  • Application Downtime: By compromising deployment tools like heroku or dotnet, attackers can disrupt the deployment of applications, causing outages or degrading the availability of service.
  1. Supply Chain Attacks on End Users
  • End-User Compromise: Attackers can compromise widely-used packages, potentially impacting end users of applications built with these compromised components.
  • Propagation of Malicious Updates: Through command-jacking, attackers can ensure that any new versions of applications or infrastructure being deployed also carry malicious components, making it harder to contain the attack.
  1. Financial and Reputational Damage
  • Direct Financial Loss: Organizations affected by supply chain attacks may face direct financial losses due to system outages, recovery costs, regulatory fines, and penalties, especially if sensitive data is leaked.
  • Reputational Damage: A breach caused by compromised development tools or dependencies can severely damage an organization’s reputation. Loss of customer trust, damage to the brand, and legal ramifications can have long-term consequences.
  • Regulatory Penalties: Depending on the nature of the data compromised (e.g., personal data under GDPR or financial data under PCI DSS), organizations may face regulatory penalties and legal challenges after a successful supply chain attack.
  1. Espionage and Intellectual Property Theft
  • State-Sponsored Attacks: Command-jacking or entry-point exploitation could be leveraged by nation-state actors to conduct espionage, steal intellectual property, or gain access to critical infrastructure. Compromised tools like terraform or gcloud can allow attackers to manipulate infrastructure used in sensitive industries, such as healthcare, defense, or energy.
  • Theft of Proprietary Software: By compromising development environments, attackers could steal proprietary software, algorithms, or trade secrets, affecting the competitive edge of targeted organizations.
  1. Increased Attack Surface for Future Exploits
  • Backdoor Creation: Attackers can introduce backdoors through compromised entry points or CLI tools, which can later be used for future attacks. Even after initial compromises are discovered and remediated, these backdoors can persist, allowing attackers to regain access.
  • Supply Chain Amplification: Due to the interconnected nature of modern software development, a single compromised package or tool can be distributed across hundreds or thousands of projects, exponentially increasing the impact of the attack.

IOCs(Indicator of Compromise):

  1. File and Script Changes
  • Unexpected or Modified Scripts: Monitor for any changes or additions to critical scripts, especially those related to CLI tools or package management commands (e.g., postinstall or preinstall scripts in npm, or in Python).
  • Unrecognized Entry-Point Scripts: Look for new or modified entry-point scripts (e.g., console_scripts in Python or hooks in Git) that were not part of the original installation. These could indicate malicious entry points created by an attacker.
  • Unauthorized Git Hooks: Check for the presence of malicious or unfamiliar Git hooks (e.g., pre-commit, post-checkout) that could have been inserted to hijack Git commands.
  • Unusual Binary or Executable Files: New, modified, or unfamiliar binaries or executables associated with development tools (e.g., kubectl, terraform, gcloud) may be signs of an ongoing compromise.
  1. Network Activity
  • Suspicious Outbound Connections: Command-jacking attacks often lead to data exfiltration or command-and-control (C2) communication. Monitor for unusual outbound traffic to unknown or suspicious IP addresses or domains, especially from development environments, CI/CD pipelines, or cloud management tools.
  • Unexpected DNS Queries: Monitor for abnormal DNS queries related to compromised package repositories or unexpected domains, especially if these queries happen during the execution of package installation or CLI commands.
  • HTTP/HTTPS Requests During CLI Execution: Command-jacking or hijacked commands might trigger unexpected HTTP/HTTPS requests. These can be observed during normal tool usage (e.g., npm or pip installs).
  1. 3. Cloud Infrastructure Activity
  • Unusual Cloud API Calls: Monitor API logs for unusual or unauthorized cloud API requests, especially if they are being made by CLI tools like terraform, gcloud, or kubectl. Unauthorized modifications to infrastructure, such as creating new virtual machines or opening ports, can indicate command-jacking.
  • Unexpected Resource Creation: Check for the creation of unauthorized cloud resources (e.g., instances, containers, storage buckets) in cloud environments (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure). Malicious plugins or hijacked commands might deploy unwanted resources.
  • Alterations to Kubernetes Configurations: Kubernetes clusters managed by kubectl may be targeted for exploitation. Watch for unexpected changes to Kubernetes configurations, container deployments, or permissions.


The anatomy of a software supply chain attack involving command-jacking or entry-point exploitation can be broken down into several key stages. These stages highlight the methods used by attackers to infiltrate development environments, compromise package managers, and ultimately execute malicious code

  1. Initial Reconnaissance and Target Identification
  • Objective: Identify widely used package managers (e.g., PyPI, npm, RubyGems, NuGet), CLI tools (e.g., git, terraform, kubectl, gcloud), or open-source projects that are vulnerable to exploitation.
  • Actions:
    • Attackers scan repositories or public-facing package registries to find popular open-source packages, especially those with many downloads or dependencies.
    • They may identify entry points in these packages (e.g., console_scripts in Python, CLI commands in npm) that can be manipulated.
  1. Infiltration via Dependency or Package Compromise
  • Objective: Introduce malicious code into the target ecosystem, package, or tool by exploiting its entry points or dependencies.
  • Methods:
    • Malicious Package Upload: Attackers may upload a package to a public repository (e.g., npm, PyPI, RubyGems) under a slightly misspelled or typosquatted name (e.g., reqeusts instead of requests).
    • Compromised Dependencies: Attackers may contribute to a legitimate open-source project by injecting malicious code into the dependency. This could be done via a compromised maintainer account or through social engineering.
    • Dependency Confusion: Attackers create public versions of internal packages, tricking systems into downloading and using these malicious versions instead of internal, trusted packages.
  1. Entry-Point Manipulation
  • Objective: Hijack entry points (like CLI commands or scripts) within a compromised package or tool to execute malicious code upon installation or execution.
  • Methods:
    • Pre/Post-Install Script Hijacking: Attackers add malicious commands to pre-install or post-install scripts in a package, causing the malicious code to run automatically when the package is installed.
    • Console Scripts Manipulation: Attackers modify entry points in Python packages (console_scripts) or similar mechanisms in other languages, allowing arbitrary code execution when the command is called.
    • Git Hook Exploitation: In the case of Git-based tools, attackers may modify Git hooks (e.g., pre-commit, post-merge hooks) to insert malicious commands that run during normal Git operations.
    • CLI Tool Hijacking: Attackers target widely-used CLI tools like kubectl, terraform, gcloud, or dotnet, by adding malicious plugins or dependencies that execute commands when the tool is run.
  1. Command-Jacking and Execution
  • Objective: Execute arbitrary commands on the target system by leveraging the hijacked entry points, often without the user’s knowledge.
  • Methods:
    • Command Injection: Malicious code or commands are executed when the compromised package is installed or when certain CLI commands are run.
    • Persistent Backdoor: The attacker might create a persistent backdoor through the compromised entry point to maintain access to the system or exfiltrate data.
    • Silent Execution: In many cases, the malicious code runs silently in the background, performing tasks like downloading additional malware, stealing credentials, or gaining elevated privileges.
  1. Establishing Persistence
  • Objective: Ensure continued access to the compromised environment, even after the initial payload is executed.
  • Methods:
    • Scheduled Tasks/Cron Jobs: The malicious package or tool may create scheduled tasks or cron jobs that run periodically, maintaining a foothold on the system.
    • Path Hijacking: Attackers may modify the system’s PATH variable to ensure that their malicious binaries are executed instead of legitimate ones.
    • Credential Theft or Token Harvesting: Through the compromised tools, attackers may steal cloud credentials, API keys, or authentication tokens to escalate their attack and spread laterally.
  1. Lateral Movement and Escalation
  • Objective: Expand control within the compromised environment, either by gaining access to additional systems or escalating privileges.
  • Methods:
    • Compromise CI/CD Pipelines: Attackers can spread their malicious code into CI/CD pipelines, impacting downstream systems by pushing compromised builds or deploying vulnerable artifacts.
    • Cloud Infrastructure Manipulation: If tools like kubectl, terraform, or gcloud are compromised, attackers can modify cloud infrastructure, create new resources (e.g., virtual machines), or steal sensitive data from cloud storage.
    • Privilege Escalation: By gaining access to high-privileged commands through the hijacked tools, attackers may escalate their privileges within the system or network.
  1. Exfiltration or Malicious Action
  • Objective: Complete the attack’s end goal, whether it’s stealing data, deploying ransomware, or causing system disruption.
  • Methods:
    • Data Exfiltration: Attackers may extract sensitive data (e.g., credentials, intellectual property) via compromised CLI tools or cloud infrastructure management platforms.
    • Command-and-Control (C2) Communication: The compromised system might start communicating with a remote C2 server to receive further instructions or download additional malware.
    • Ransomware Deployment: Attackers might deploy ransomware or cryptominers, especially if they have gained access to critical infrastructure via a compromised package.
    • Service Disruption: In cases where the attacker seeks to cause disruption, they may disable services, delete important resources, or cause system crashes.
  1. Cleanup and Covering Tracks
  • Objective: Avoid detection and ensure the malicious activity remains hidden for as long as possible.
  • Methods:
    • Log Tampering: Attackers may delete or alter logs related to the execution of the hijacked commands to avoid leaving traces of their activity.
    • Package Rollback or Restoration: In some cases, attackers may try to cover their tracks by reverting changes to the package or entry points once the malicious code has been executed.
    • Self-Destruct Mechanisms: Some malicious scripts or commands may have built-in self-destruction routines to remove any traces of the compromised code once the attacker’s objectives have been met.


To effectively remediate vulnerabilities associated with command-jacking and entry-point exploitation in software supply chain attacks, organizations should implement a comprehensive set of security measures.

  1. Code Review and Auditing
  • Conduct Regular Code Reviews: Implement a policy for regular code reviews of third-party libraries and dependencies to identify potential vulnerabilities and malicious code.
  • Audit Package Dependencies: Use automated tools to audit dependencies regularly. Tools like OWASP Dependency-Check, Snyk, or GitHub Dependabot can help identify vulnerable or malicious packages.
  • Check for Entry Points: Review the entry points (e.g., console_scripts in Python) in packages to ensure they are not being exploited. Verify that only necessary commands are exposed.
  1. Enhance Dependency Management
  • Use a Private Registry: Host a private package registry to mirror trusted public repositories. This allows for better control over the packages being used in your projects.
  • Verify Package Signatures: Require that all packages come from trusted sources and are signed to prevent tampering. Validate signatures during installation.
  • Implement Dependency Locking: Use dependency locking mechanisms (e.g., Pipfile.lock for Python, package-lock.json for npm) to ensure consistent installations and mitigate the risk of unexpected updates.
  1. Secure Development Practices
  • Implement Secure Coding Guidelines: Train developers on secure coding practices to avoid vulnerabilities such as command injection and improper input validation.
  • Use Static Application Security Testing (SAST): Integrate SAST tools into the development process to identify security flaws in the codebase before deployment.
  • Perform Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): Use DAST tools to analyze running applications for vulnerabilities during the testing phase.
  1. Tighten Access Controls
  • Restrict Package Installations: Limit which users can install packages or modify dependencies in production environments. Use role-based access control (RBAC) to enforce this.
  • Enforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Require MFA for all developer accounts and systems that manage code repositories and CI/CD pipelines to reduce the risk of account compromise.
  • Limit Privileges for CLI Tools: Ensure that tools like kubectl, terraform, and gcloud run with the least privileges necessary. Avoid using administrative privileges unless absolutely necessary.
  1. Monitor for Anomalies and Threats
  • Implement Runtime Monitoring: Use runtime application monitoring tools to detect unusual behaviors or command executions in real-time.
  • Log and Monitor Activities: Maintain detailed logs of package installations, command executions, and other relevant activities. Regularly review these logs for suspicious activity.
  • Set Up Alerts for Changes: Configure alerts for unauthorized changes to code, scripts, or configurations in the CI/CD pipeline or repository.
  1. Update and Patch Management
  • Regularly Update Dependencies: Ensure that all libraries, packages, and CLI tools are kept up to date with the latest security patches and updates.
  • Track Vulnerabilities: Subscribe to vulnerability databases (e.g., NVD, CVE databases) to stay informed of new vulnerabilities related to the dependencies being used.
  1. Implement Incident Response Procedures
  • Develop an Incident Response Plan: Create and maintain an incident response plan specifically for software supply chain attacks, outlining roles, responsibilities, and procedures to follow during an incident.
  • Conduct Incident Response Drills: Regularly test the incident response plan through drills or tabletop exercises to ensure that the team is prepared to respond effectively.
  1. Educate and Train Staff
  • Provide Security Awareness Training: Conduct regular training sessions for developers and staff on the latest security threats, best practices, and safe coding techniques.
  • Foster a Security-First Culture: Encourage a culture of security awareness among all employees, emphasizing the importance of security in the development process.
  1. Implement Secure CI/CD Practices
  • Scan for Vulnerabilities in CI/CD Pipelines: Integrate security scanning tools into the CI/CD pipelines to detect vulnerabilities in code and dependencies before deployment.
  • Isolate Build Environments: Use isolated environments for building and testing code to limit the impact of potential compromises. This includes using containers or virtual machines.
  1. Create a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)
  • Maintain an SBOM: Create and keep an up-to-date SBOM for all software components used in your projects. This aids in identifying components in case of vulnerabilities and enables more efficient response efforts.